Car Rental in Oita

Oita is famous for its hot spring resorts in Beppu, Yufuin, and Hita. Experience the beauty of nature in this area, including hot-spring steam rising from the mountain and the autumn colors in the fall. Feeding the crocodiles at the Oniyama Jigoku hot spring, which is also known as "Crocodile Hell," is an extremely exciting experience. Seki-aji and seki-saba mackerels, Nakatsu fried chicken, dishes prepared with hot spring steam, and other local cuisines can be enjoyed.

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Airport & Shinkansen Locations in Oita

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Locations in Oita (Number of Locations: 3)

Nearby Airports, Shinkansen Stations, Ports are shown.

Location Name Contact Details Nearby Airport, Shinkansen, or Port
Oita Airport (OIT)

36-1, Aki-machi Shimobaru Fukumi, Kunisaki-shi, Oita


Oita Airport (OIT)
Beppu Station

1-3 Noguchimoto-machi, Beppu-shi, Oita



1-1-2 Hanazono, Oita-shi, Oita
