Sakai Mozu

Rental Car Station Information

Address 591-8032
Contact Details 072-254-0909
Please be careful not to dial the wrong number.
Access 10 minutes walk from Nakamozu Subway Station Exit No.5
10 minutes walk from Nakamozu Nankai Station Exit No.6
17 minutes walk from Mozu Station Exit No.2
Opening Hours 9:00-19:00
Closing Days and Holidays Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, 12/31-1/2
Precautions When Picking Up the Vehicle *The store will stop accepting service inquires from Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
Precautions When Returning the Vehicle One-way return of a vehicle with long length is NOT accepted due to the limit.
Accepted Payment Methods Credit Card
Map Code

ican  10 765 511*08

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