Takamatsu Airport (TAK)

Rental Car Station Information

Airport Location
Address 761-1401
Contact Details 087-879-0755
Please be careful not to dial the wrong number.
Access Car Rental Desk is located at arrival lobby.
Opening Hours 8:30-19:00
Closing Days and Holidays Open all year round
Precautions When Picking Up the Vehicle Please come to our Reception Desk located at arrival floor. Depending on the number of reservations, you may have to wait for 5-15 minutes.
Precautions When Returning the Vehicle Vehicle must be returned 1 hour prior to flight departure. Free transportation to airport terminal is available.You may have to wait (5-15 minutes) for the shuttle bus. Please return the vehicle with plenty of time to spare.
Eligible Airports Takamatsu Airport (TAK)
Accepted Payment Methods Credit Card
Map Code

ican  60 212 025*55

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